selah turns two

selah turns two

On March 4th Selah Mae Stretch turned a whole two years old. We had a little party with some of her friends last weekend to celebrate and it was so fun. Her word of the day was “WOW” as snacks and decorations went up, her friends kept coming, & then she got to open presents. She is such a joy to be around and her birthday party was no exception of this.

Selah has been loving owls lately so we went with a bit of an ‘owl’ theme for her birthday party. She pronounces owl as ‘ow’ and it was super cute as she went around the house pointing “ow. ow. ow.”


She loved eating her owl cake in her owl SweetLegs! wpid-20150228_141133-1.jpg wpid-20150228_141122-1.jpg wpid-20150228_141105.jpg


The ‘spread’. A mix of healthy and super unhealthy treats. wpid-20150227_101149.jpg

Party invites complete with google eyes. Selah liked to ‘flap’ the wings.wpid-img_4191.jpg wpid-img_6983.jpg wpid-img_0933.jpg wpid-img_1815.jpgI decorated Selah’s cake while she was in bed so when she got up in the morning I opened the fridge to show it to her. She immediately said “OW. OW. OW?” (aka owl). Then we told her she had to say bye to the owl so she waved to the cake & said bye. For the rest of the morning she would go up to the fridge & say “ow. ow. ow” then after looking at it for a minute she would wave & say buh bye.

It was so fun celebrating with a few people, Selah has so many great friends with wonderful families that we are happy to know. We are also happy to have family near & far that celebrate her life with us!




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